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  • The main Joomla site and news. This lists the official news blog for Joomla. You can subscribe to news via RSS by clicking the link in the left-hand column.
  • At over 120,000 members at the time of this writing, the official Joomla Forum is one of the biggest forums on the Web. You can get help from the active Joomla community, whether it's for templates, translations, components, or just a general help question. When you are asking for help, remember that the forum is all volunteer, so provide as much detail on your problem as you can and be respectful.
  • extensions.joomla.orgThe Joomla extensions directory, packed with over 2,000 third-party extensions. Split into components, modules, and plugins, this is the place to come to extend the functionality of your Joomla website. It even includes useful reviews and rating tools so you can see what other people think of a particular extension.
  • For developers, this is where you can find documentation on the Joomla API, blogs for the various developers of the core team, and various wikis and tutorials.